• Welcome to our site • FREE SHIPPING in Canada for 2-3+ maps under total package weight of 500 grams • We're pleased to announce that our new Temagami 5 - Chiniguchi will be available towards the end of March. Yippee! Check out its page in the Map Catalog • Happy travels! •

Where To Buy

Retail Outlets

The Adventure Map™ is available from a variety of sources, including outdoor stores, hiking and paddling outfitters, map stores, travel stores, bookstores, some park and tourist stops and by phone or mail order. Maps are usually available in and around the area mapped, but just in case they aren't we recommend you obtain a copy before travelling there.

And it is wise to get it a few weeks before your trip starts in case a store is out of stock, the map is temporarily sold-out while an update is being printed, or the delivery system takes its sweet time getting it to you.

Before making a special trip to a store we recommend you call them to ensure the maps you want are in stock - not all retailers carry all titles in the series throughout the entire year (but, since we make them, we do). If your favourite store doesn't carry the series, please tell them about it. Let us know too. We'll send them a Retailers Information Package on request.

If a local retailer does not have the map you want, or will not order it for you, then you are quite welcome to order directly from Chrismar on-line (this site) or use our phone/email/fax/post-order service.

Below is a partial list of retailers currently carrying the series. New retailers are added from time to time as the series grows. Many are not on this list because they are serviced by our distributors, including bookstores across Canada who can special-order our maps for you. This list is organized by province and/or nearest city. A few International and mail order options are at the bottom of the page.


-- Algonquin Park Area --

Algonquin Outfitters - Dwight
Oxtongue Lake, Hwy 60, 10 km outside West Gate of Algonquin Park
(on our Oxtongue River map)
(705) 635-2243 

Algonquin Outfitters - Canoe Lake
Km 14 (Canoe Lake), Hwy 60, Algonquin Park
(on our AL1 & AL3 maps)
(705) 633-5235 (May to Oct)

Algonquin Outfitters - Opeongo
Opeongo Lake Road, Km 46 Hwy 60, Algonquin Park
(on our AL1, AL3 & Opeongo maps)
(613) 637-2075 (May to Oct)

Algonquin North Outfitters
#16 - Hwy 630, Mattawa
(on our AL2 map)
1-877-544-3544 or 705-744-3265 (May to Oct)

Algonquin Portage Outfitters
Barron Canyon Road
(near our Barron/Achray map)
(613) 735-1795

RR#2, Mattawa (Kioshkokwi Lake Access Point)
(on our AL2 map)
(705) 744-2579 (May to Sept)

Friends of Algonquin Park
Algonquin Visitor Centre, Hwy 60
(on our AL1 & AL3 maps)
(613) 637-2828

Opeongo Algonquin
Hwy 60, Whitney
(on our AL3 map)
(613) 637-5470

Voyageur Quest
Kawayaymog Lake, Algonquin Park
(on our AL2 map)
(21 Belcourt Road, Toronto)

-- Atikokan --
Canoe Canada Outfitters
300 O'Brien Street
(807) 597-6418

-- Barrie --
31 Commerce Park Drive, Unit #A3
(705) 739-9694

-- Barry's Bay --
Madawaska Outdoors
19551 Opeongo Line
(613) 756-2794

-- Burlington --
Mountain Equipment Co-op
1030 Brant Street
(905) 333-8559

-- Dorset --
Township of Algonquin Highlands
1123 North Shore Road
(705) 854-0101
(Frost Centre & Poker Lake maps only)

-- Elliot Lake --
Mississagi Provincial Park
Hwy 639, north of Elliot Lake
(705) 848-2806 (June to September)
(705) 865-2021 (October to May) 

-- Grand Bend --
Friends of Pinery Provincial Park
Pinery Provincial Park
(519) 243-1521

-- Hamilton Area --
(also see Burlington above)
Adventure Attic Outdoor
28 King Street West, Dundas
(905) 628-2929

Hamilton Region Conservation Authority
838 Mineral Springs Road
(905) 525-2181
(Dundas Valley map only)

-- Hepworth --
Suntrail Outfitters
Hwy 6, Hepworth
(519) 935-2478

-- Huntsville --
Algonquin Outfitters - Huntsville
88 Main Street East
(705) 635-2243

MHO Adventures
67 Widjiitiwin Road
(705) 380-2619

-- Kaladar Area --
Friends of Bon Echo Provincial Park
Hwy 41, Cloyne
(613) 336-2228

-- Killarney Area --
Killarney Outfitters
(705) 287-2828

Friends of Killarney Park
(705) 287-2800

-- Kitchener/Waterloo/Guelph --
Adventure Guide
382 King Street North, Waterloo
(519) 886-3121

-- Leamington --
Pelee Wings
636 Point Pelee Drive
(519) 326-5193

-- London --
NovaCraft/London's Paddle Shop
471 Nightingale Avenue

-- Midland/Penetanguishene --
Awenda Provincial Park
Awenda Park Road
(705) 549-2231
(Awenda map only)

-- Mississauga/Brampton Area --
The Canadian Outdoor Equipment Company
199 Lakeshore Road East, Unit A
(905) 990-1750

-- Muskoka Area --
Algonquin Outfitters - Huntsville
88 Main Street East, Huntsville
(705) 635-2243

-- North Bay --
Algonquin North Outfitters
#16 - Hwy 630, Mattawa
1-877-544-3544 or 705-744-3265 (May to Oct)

180 Sheriff Avenue, North Bay
(705) 474-5920

-- Oakville --
Hikers Haven/Europe Bound
166 South Service Road
(905) 849-8928

-- Oshawa/Whitby --
Buy Direct from Chrismar

-- Ottawa --
Mountain Equipment Co-op
366 Richmond Road
(613) 729-2700

World of Maps
1187 Wellington Street West
(613) 724-6776

-- Peterborough --
Canadian Canoe Museum
910 Monaghan Road
(705) 748-9153

-- Pukaskwa Area --
Pukaskwa National Park
End of Hwy 627, Heron Bay
(807) 229-0801

-- Red Lake --
Woodland Caribou Provincial Park
Box 5003, 227 Howey Street
(807) 727-1336

--Sault Ste. Marie --
Great Lakes Outfitters
162 Old Garden River Road
(705) 253-2361

-- Spanish River Area --
Agnew Lake Lodge
Webbwood, Ontario
(705) 869-2239

Chutes Provincial Park
Massey, Ontario
(705) 865-2021

Spanish River Outfitters
Levack, Ontario
(705) 965-2701

-- St. Catharines --
Outdoors Oriented
420 Vansickle Road
(905) 688-0160

-- Sudbury Area --
Fox Lake Lodge/Spanish River Outfitters
Fox Lake, nr. Levack
(705) 965-2701

-- Temagami --
Finlayson Point Provincial Park
Park Road, Temagami
(705) 569-3205

Temagami Information Centre
Lakeshore Drive, Temagami

-- Toronto --
Canadian Outdoor Equipment Company, The
199A Lakeshore Rd E
Mississauga Ontario
(905) 990-1750

The Trip Shed

-- Thunder Bay --
404 Balmoral Street
(807) 577-8848

-- Uxbridge --
Blue Heron Books
62 Brock Street West
(905) 852-4282
(This store carries all our titles year-round. Also see mail order)

Boyd's Source for Sports
53 Toronto Street North
(905) 862-2693

-- Wawa --
Naturally Superior
RR#1, Lake Superior
(705) 856-2939

-- White Lake --
White Lake Provincial Park
(807) 822-2447
(Obatanga map only)

- Mail Order Options -

The following operations offer mail-order service by phone or internet, payment by credit card, and shipping by a variety of methods. Note: Many of the retailers named in the main section above will also service mail orders. Simply call them and ask. If these retailers cannot or will not assist you then use our Direct Order Form or call to order from us directly.

Algonquin Outfitters - Dwight
Order by phone (705) 635-2243
(This store carries mainly our Algonquin-related titles year-round)

Blue Heron Books
Uxbridge, Ontario
Order by phone (905) 852-4282
(This store carries all our titles year-round)

St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A.
Order by phone (612) 812-8245

Box 1110
La Ronge Saskatchewan S0J 1L0
(306) 635-7664

Piragis Northwoods Company
Ely, Minnesota, U.S.A.
(218) 365-6745

World of Maps
1235 Wellington Street
(613) 724-6776

Other Bookstores
Your local bookstore can special order for you.
Just have them contact us. There is no minimum order.

- Parks -

Each of the following parks sells our map of their park,
and sometimes our maps of other parks too.

-- Algonquin --
Friends of Algonquin Park-Visitor's Centre
(613) 637-2828

Also available at the private outfitters in the park:
Algonquin Outfitters - Canoe Lake Store
Algonquin Outfitters - Opeongo Lake
(see above under Algonquin Park Area)

Also see private outfitters just outside the Park
(see above under Algonquin Park Area).

-- Arrowhead --
Arrowhead Provincial Park

(705) 789-5105

-- Awenda --
Awenda Provincial Park

(705) 549-2231

-- Bon Echo --
Bon Echo Provincial Park

(613) 336-2228

-- Bonnechere --
Bonnechere Provincial Park

(613) 757-2103

-- Grundy Lake --
Grundy Lake Provincial Park

(705) 383-2286

-- Halfway Lake --
Halfway Lake Provincial Park

(705) 965-2702

-- Lake Superior --
Lake Superior Provincial Park

(705) 856-2284

-- Mattawa River --
Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park

(705) 744-2276

-- Missinaibi --
Missinaibi Provincial Park
190 Cherry Street, Chapleau
(705) 864-1710

-- Mississagi --
Mississagi Provincial Park

(705) 848-2806

-- Obatanga --
Obatanga Provincial Park

(807) 822-2592

-- Pinery --
Pinery Provincial Park

(519) 243-1521

-- Pukaskwa --
Pukaskwa National Park

(807) 229-0801

-- Quetico --
Quetico Provincial Park

(807) 597-2735

-- Spanish River --
Chutes Provincial Park

Massey, Ontario
(705) 865-2021

-- Temagami --
Finlayson Provincial Park

(705) 569-3205

-- White River --
White Lake Provincial Park
(807) 822-2447

-- Woodland Caribou --
Woodland Caribou Provincial Park

(807) 727-1336

- Alberta -

-- Calgary --
Box 172, #305-4625 Varsity Road NW
(403) 289-6938
(most Chrismar maps)

- British Columbia -

Bacchus Books
9th Avenue, Golden - (250) 344-5600

Friends of Kootenay National Park
Radium Hot Springs   (250) 342-3698

- Manitoba -

Canada Map Sales
14 Fultz Blvd, Box 60
Winnipeg MB R3Y 0L6
1 (877) 627-7226

- Québec -

Aux Quatre Points Cardinaux
551, Ontario Street East
Montréal, (Qc), H2L 1N8

- Saskatchewan -

Box 1110
La Ronge Saskatchewan S0J 1L0
(306) 635-7664

- U.S.A. & International -

Due to their specialty nature & location our maps are not widely available in the USA or overseas, so, aside from those great stores listed below, your best option may be to order from a Canadian retailer or directly from Chrismar.

Duluth Pack Store
365 Canal Park Drive, Duluth, Minnesota   218-722-1707
(Quetico, Heart of the Continent & Northwestern Ontario maps only)

Lake Superior Trading Post
Grand Marais, Minnesota   218-387-2020


105 North Central Avenue, Ely, Minnesota   218-365-6745
(Quetico & HOTC maps only)

- Mail Order Options -

The following operations offer mail-order service by phone or internet, payment by credit card, and shipping by a variety of methods. Note: Many of the retailers named in the main section above will also service mail orders. Simply call them and ask. If these retailers cannot or will not assist you then use our Direct Order Form or order from us directly.

Algonquin Outfitters - Dwight
Order by phone (705) 635-2243
(This store carries mainly our Algonquin-related titles year-round)

Blue Heron Books
Uxbridge, Ontario
Order by phone (905) 852-4282
(This store carries all our titles year-round)

Box 1110
La Ronge Saskatchewan S0J 1L0
(306) 635-7664

World of Maps
1235 Wellington Street   (613) 724-6776

Other Bookstores
Your local bookstore can special order for you.
Just have them contact us. There is no minimum order.

- Parks -

Each of the following parks sells our map of their park,
and sometimes our maps of other parks too.

-- Algonquin --
Friends of Algonquin Park-Visitor's Centre
(613) 637-2828

Also available at these private outfitters in the park:
The Portage Store
Algonquin Outfitters - Opeongo Lake
(see above under Algonquin Park Area)

Also see private outfitters just outside the Park
(see above under Algonquin Park Area).

-- Arrowhead --
Arrowhead Provincial Park
(705) 789-5105

-- Awenda --
Awenda Provincial Park
(705) 549-2231

-- Bon Echo --
Bon Echo Provincial Park
(613) 336-2228

-- Bonnechere --
Bonnechere Provincial Park
(613) 757-2103

-- Grundy Lake --
Grundy Lake Provincial Park
(705) 383-2286

-- Halfway Lake --
Halfway Lake Provincial Park
(705) 965-2702

-- Mississagi --
Mississagi Provincial Park
(705) 848-2806

-- Obatanga --
Obatanga Provincial Park
(807) 822-2592

-- Pinery --
Pinery Provincial Park
(519) 243-1521

-- Spanish River --
Chutes Provincial Park
Massey, Ontario
(705) 865-2021

-- Temagami --
Finlayson Provincial Park
(705) 569-3205

-- White River --
White Lake Provincial Park
(807) 822-2447

-- Woodland Caribou --
Woodland Caribou Provincial Park
(807) 727-1336