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Poker Lake Area - Haliburton Highlands (AM0613)

Poker Lake Area - Haliburton Highlands (AM0613)

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Our#: AM0613, ISBN: 0-929140-61-3, Scale: 1:15,000. Waterproof.

The Poker Lake System is a compact paddling area on crown land just west of Carnarvon in Haliburton County. The area straddles Hwy 118, with a short-portage network of smaller lakes on the north side and the large multi-bayed Big East Lake on the south side. It's perfect for family canoeing, day paddles and 2-3 night trips.

Our detailed 1:15,000 large-scale topographic map covers the entire paddling area and a little beyond. As usual, the map highlights access points, portages, campsites, rapids and other important features, as well as text and photos on the back side providing local history, route descriptions, safety issues, contact and other information to help you plan and take your trip.

Following Chrismar's popularization of this area over 20 years ago due to our first edition, the local municipality has now implemented a revenue-capturing user-pay system for overnight visits (day-use is free).

Our most recent version includes campsite numbers, day-use and group sites, camper and tent limits by site, and other useful information about recent developments.


Also check out the nearby Frost Centre area, another cottage country canoe route system "put on the map" by Chrismar over 20 years ago.